Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just get me a hover-round, and a little medi-alert(I have Fallen and I can't get up) and lets call it a day!

So I have been crazy busy which is not an excuse but it is the truth. I have also have had a serious problem with my balance & with my walking. (No one seems to know why….) I am now the owner of a lovely RED walker(oh no I am not kidding) It really sucks because I feel like Ihave been fighting so hard to retain my independence an my own sense of self and now, it seems to be slowly grinding to a halt.Soooooooo………we are going to try to clean up this walking problem with, you guessed it, steroids my personal favorites, but I am willing to do this if it keeps me from having a seizure an d allows me to walk around and do the things I really want to do. Also, I am adding a little physical therapy so we shall see.. I am hoping that I can get a low dose of “roids” that will avoid the horrible swelling/weight gain but that so I will be kicking that walker (literally)to the curb!!Photos of my new “ride” etc. will be comin I promise!

1 comment:

Kendra M-B said...

Keep up the positive attitude! You are my hero!