Monday, May 05, 2008

Parenthood, I think that movie was a documentary

I spent last week with Abbi & Morgan while Andrew was out of town. I can not believe how quickly he is growing! It was weird, being with a child, suddenly I was noticing all the kids around. I saw children everywhere I looked! I felt like I had been smuggled into a secret society, one where I did not know the lingo.The password is " Rattle" It was fun, and amazing! My eyes were also opened to how expensive kids are!! We went shopping and looked in a few kids stores, WOW the stuff they offer, and the price tags on it are insane!! I also saw some very pricey strollers that I could not get over! So parents, I knew they cost a lot before, but now, I salute you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had a great time Aunt Gracie! We were sorry to see you go WEE WEE WEE all the way home. Big Hugs!

Abbi & Morgan